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COVID Information Update

COVID Information Update

To Our Valued Patients:

The Physicians and staff at Retina Associates of Greater Philadelphia, LTD want to reassure you that we are following all the guidelines set forth by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and the American Academy of Ophthalmology in order to keep you safe while visiting our office during the pandemic. We are implementing the highest standards of infection control protocols and sterilization procedures for each patient’s visit. All equipment is sanitized in between each patient in our vision screening rooms, examination rooms, imaging, and treatment rooms. High touch areas such as door handles, counters, and waiting room chairs are cleaned multiple times throughout the day. We are making every effort to deter the COVI-19 virus.

To protect the well-being of our patients and staff, we kindly ask:

  • Please call our office if you have been experiencing any of the following symptoms so that we can reschedule your appointment:
    • Fever or chills
    • Cough
    • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
    • Fatigue
    • Muscle or body aches
    • Headache
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    • New loss of taste or smell
    • Sore throat
    • Congestion or runny nose
    • Nausea or vomiting
    • Diarrhea
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  • If you have been in contact with someone with a confirmed case of COVID-19, we ask your cooperation to delay your appointment for the required fourteen-day period of quarantine.
  • If you or any member of your family has traveled outside the country or any current high-risk area in the US where COVID-19 is prevalent, please reschedule your appointment after the required fourteen-day period of quarantine.
  • If you have tested positive for COVID-19, please reschedule your appointment when you are no longer symptomatic for 10 days after your last symptom.
  • Please practice social distancing while conversing with staff or other patients.
  • We require all patients to wear a cloth or disposable face mask covering their nose and mouth at all times. If you do not have a mask, we will provide you with one.

Additional implemented precautions:

  • A technician will ask you a few questions regarding your health and recent travel, while you sanitize your hands with sanitizer we provide.
  • Persons accompanying patients are asked to wait outside the office unless patient assistance is needed.
  • Patient waiting room seating has been arranged to ensure social distancing.
  • Our physicians and staff will be wearing personal protective equipment such as masks and goggles.
  • Refrain from handshaking and any unnecessary physical contact for everyone’s protection.
  • Please cover your mouth with the crook of your elbow or a tissue when coughing or sneezing.

Our number one consideration is to keep everyone safe and healthy to the best of our ability while we continue to provide you care. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.


Dr. Jonathan B. Belmont and Dr. Robert C. Kleiner and staff
Retina Associates of Greater Philadelphia, LTD.

Please Note: Many insurance deductibles reset as of January 1st. Our practice requires payment for all deductibles, copays, non-covered services, and any outstanding balances prior to your appointment at the time of check-in.